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India to Dominate Smartphones Market by 2017

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In India smartphones users is rapidly increasing. This can be estimated by a report. In this report it says that till 2017 India will be the third leading smartphones using country. With this, in some small cities and villages there will be available of the 3G networks and 3G compatible smart phones. According to the report user are using smart phones in compare of features phones.
International Data Corporation (IDC) have made a report on the increase in the users of smartphones. IDC on this report says that this year totally 918.6 million smart phones will exported.  With this analysis it says that India will be on third place after America and China.

Reason of increase

  • There will the increase on the demand of the smartphones because of low cost.
  • Betterment on the 3G networks.
  • Till 2015, Public will have 4G technology on their hand.

Current Status

  • Today there are 27.8 million users in India.
  • Till 2017 it will reach to 155.6 million.
  • There is only 3 per cent of shares on the Worlds Smart Phones of India.
  • Till the end of this year approx 27.8 million mobiles will be exported and only 3 per cent will smart phones.
  • There is that fall on the stats of the selling of smartphones of UK and US.
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