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Microsoft Allegedly Breached by LAPSUS Group

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Microsoft Allegedly Breached by LAPSUS Group


2. Lapsus group has leaked the source code of Microsoft Bing, Bing Map, and Cortana. Hackers say that Bing Maps code is 90% complete dump and 45% of Cortana and Bing. Read Complete details of the hack. 

1. Microsoft says they are investigating claims that the Lapsus$ data extortion hacking group breached their internal Azure DevOps source code repositories and stolen data.

Just some minutes ago, a ransomware group LAPSUS, has posted a screenshot that appears to have hacked an Azure DevOps account of Microsoft. After a couple of minutes of the post, the Lapsus team had deleted the post, with a message "Deleted for now will repost later".

If these claims and screenshots are true then this will be the biggest hack incident of this year. The screenshots listed the following projects:-

  • Bing_STC-SV: Project contains the source code for various Bing engineering projects in the Silicon Valley office
  • Bing_Test_Agile: This is the test project for Bing using the Agile template.
  • Bing_UX: frontend (SNR) and other related UX codebase
  • Bing Cubator 
  • Bing Source Code: The central project for storing all of Bing Source Code.
  • Compliance_Engineering: WebXT Compliance Engineering team project.
  • Cortana: The main Cortana project, its related code, and work items. 
  • Creative Authoring
From the above project names, Bing Source Code and Cortana will be the most interesting ones, as the project description reads all the source code of the product. 

We will update the post as we get more information on this story. You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram.

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