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More Indian Government site hacked by Pakistani hacker

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More Indian Government site hacked by Pakistani hacker, Indian government hacked, hacking high profiled sites, free hacking material, opkashmir, operation of Pakistani hacker, THA hackers news, pakistani hacker, hacked by team Maximizer, hacked by THA hackers,
It seems that Pakistan hacktivist are again on the fire. With the earlier hack on several Indian domains and also to the domains of Indian Government, once again they have hacked more sites. From last couple of weeks Pakistani hackers are targeting Indian government server and some Indian high profiled sites.

Today, member of hacking group "The Hackers Army" have once again hacked and defaced the site of India’s State Bank of Patiala. Website of State Bank of Patiala have been hacked numerous time earlier.

Members of Team Maximizers have also deface the 2 sub domains of the state of Kerala, who's mirror you can see on zone-h.

Another Pakistani hacker (H4$N4!N H4XOR) have hacked and defaced another two Indian government domains, which are of West Bengal State Coastal Zone Management Authority ( and a portal of the Damodar Valley Corporation (

H4$N4!N H4XOR is the same hacker who had hacked site of Indian railway and the site of Public Health Engineering Department of India.

By reading the deface page message, it seems that hacker are defacing the site for protesting of Free Kashmir. All the site deface have been related to the same topic 'OpKashmir'.

At the time of writing all the site is still showing the deface page, which is not recover yet.
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