Google Webmasters help for hacked sites

Google Webmasters help for hacked sites, Google helping to restore the hacked site, how to prevent the the site to be hacked, how to restore the site after the hacked, how to fix the vulnerability of the site, what to do if your blog gets hacked
Hey Guys, As we know that cyber attack are increasing rapidly, there is always a problem for the webmaster and web admin. Some time there site become the target of the hackers and got hacked or defaced.
This is very critical problem, as manytime webmaster lost all the data and  information of the site. This also effects the SEO of the site, as they lost the traffic, page rank and some time have the bad review on the search engines also.
For this problem Google is helping to the all these webmaster and a web admin to prevent this. This is simply by the Google Guidance and tools  that Google is providing for free.
As Google webmaster tool helps a lot to the webmaster and a blogger a lot, additionally they are going to help to the all the webmaster to prevent them of Hack.
Some time you see that some site gives warning of the "Malware Ahead" by the Google, so these are the site that have bad impacts on the Google search engine. This leads to the lose of the reputation of the site and also of Traffic of the site.

How Google is Helping to Prevent the hack

In this Google have described  the steps by the written post and also with the helpful videos.

In this Above video, Google describe the process as just a overview.
Here Google tell about the Steps to be taken by the webmaster to prevent the hack and what to do if they got hacked or got spam on the search engine.

Video 2:-  Build a Support Team

On this Video Google stats the Process of the recovery. Google guide to webmaster should contact so to get the technical assistance to recover for the hacked site. Google says that web master should  contact to the hoster. Additionally Google mentioned that if you are the technically savvy and able to recover your site without assistance, you can skip this step.

Video 3:- Quarantine your site

If you got hacked or got attacked by the malware then Google says that you should probably shutdown your site for a mean time or point your website's DNS entries to a static page on a different server that uses a 503 HTTP response code. This will leads to the less interaction of the site with the attacker (hacker). By taking your compromised site completely offline, you can complete administrative tasks, and prevent your site and visitors to get further infected.

Video 4:- Touch base with Webmaster Tools

In this Video Google showing to be in touch with the Webmaster tools. Verify your ownership of the site or a blog on Google webmaster tools is very important as which will help you in the further steps. Google send the notification message on to you webmaster account regarding the steps to be taken for the compromised sites.
So if haven't signup for the Webmaster account then get it now. It is very simple to get the account. Just go to Webmaster tools link and signed up. I have already post the about the Ownership verification.  Google will give a mail to your google mail account also.

Video 5:- Assess the damage infected by (Malware or Spam)

Google have divided this step in Two category as per the attacker attacked the site.
1) By Spam
2) By Malware

Lets discuss First one i.e. "By Spam"
This it says to make the list of the pages, files and links that were infected. As we know that many of you  didn't know this how to do, for this also Google is going to help. Know the intent that the hacker have spammed or infected the site. For the further details in this Topic visit here.
Malware Video

In "Malware" also it is  some how the same as the spam. In this also you have to make all the list of the Infected files and site pages. This is one of the lengthiest process that to be done, but this is very important steps to get totally cleared.

Video 6:- Identify the vulnerability

Find  the loop holes or a vulnerability that allow the attacker (Hacker) to gain access and do malicious activities on your site. This is not so easy to find the vulnerability but Google says that if you find one of the vulnerability then keep searching on more. This will help the security of your site. And for this you can also take a help of the expert as like a security researcher, or an ethical Hacker.

Video 7:- Clean and maintain your site

In this step just you have do like a new start. You have to remove all the infected links and content (Bad Content) and restore your site. Put all the new or fresh content on your site. After disclosing the vulnerability or loop holes on the site fixed it as soon as possible, and also try to find the other loop holes. For this you can use Vulnerability Scanner like Acunetix  or other web scanner.

Video 8:- Request a review

As earlier i have  mentioned that if your site get spammed or attacked by the malware then Google Search engine will flagged the site as a harmful site.
As shown in the picture below

This will effect the SEO of the site and a traffic too. So to fixed this issue, last steps have to be done by a webmaster is to get review by the Google search engine. In This Video Google tells about how to get review by the Google after the fixed of the above issues.
Again verify the ownership of the blog/ site, and get the review by the Google search Engine, to make the good reputation on the search engine. get your clean site back online.
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