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Data Loss Trends That Every Entrepreneur Should Know

In today's digital world, the value of data is indisputable. From client information to financial records, market trends to employee details, bus…

How to Protect Your Data in 5 Simple Steps

As we find ourselves in an increasingly interconnected digital era, the necessity to protect personal and professional data has never been more criti…

Cyber-concerns - How to combat them with a VPN

It's logical to state that cybersecurity is one of the most consequential areas of concern in the twenty-first century. In 2019, almost 50% of Am…

How to Protect Yourself from Data Leaks While Surfing the Internet?

Cybersecurity issues such as data leaks and digital scams have become extremely common these days. The world has surely digitized as pretty much ever…

Data Privacy in College: Understanding and Safeguarding Personal Information

As the practice shows, the problem of data privacy in college is not making most students concerned as they only think about it when trouble strikes.…

Keeping Customer Data Safe: Tips for Companies

In today's digital landscape, where cybercrime is on the rise, protecting customer data has become a critical responsibility for companies. In 20…

What is Identity Theft: Protecting Your Digital Identity and Personal Information

Identity theft refers to any crime, scam, and deception caused by the loss of personal information such as Social Security numbers, credit card numbe…

Pros and Cons of VPN Split Tunneling: A Comprehensive Guide

When remote work became a predominant work model for the majority of businesses, cyber attacks started to rise drastically. As a matter of fact, cybe…

Protecting Confidential Documents and Proprietary Information

The leak of confidential documents is far from unheard of. Daily, information from the government or big businesses appears in the media or falls int…

Google Message and Phone app quietly sent text, call info to Google

In this tech era, all tech giants and others companies have come under scrutiny on how they collect and use user data. Even search engine giant Googl…

LastPass Users Reported their Master Password were Hacked

Multiple LastPass users have reported there were login attempts on their accounts using their correct master passwords. People started getting emails…

Twitter Bans Posting ‘Private Media’ Without Subject Consent

Twitter has expanded its private information policy by including private media, strictly prohibiting the policy that prohibits users from posting pri…

Document Shows How FBI Retrieve data from WhatsApp and Popular Secure Messaging Apps

An Unknown previously undisclosed FBI document indicates that monitoring WhatsApp and Facebook user activity is routine for the bureau. The document…

iOS comes with Backdoor but May be for Good Reason

The upcoming iOS 15.2 update will be the most radical iPhone update in Apple's history. The most radical not only because of new features and ser…

The Latest Bluetooth vulnerability can Expose your location

Researchers at the University of California San Diego have found a way to track a phone based on its Bluetooth signal. The UCSD researchers focused o…

Facebook Fired Dozens of Employees for Abuse of Access to User Data

Between January 2014 and August 2015, Facebook fired 52 employees for using user data for personal purposes. As reported by Business Insider, one of …

Google Promised not to Embed Backdoors in Privacy Sandbox

Google has pledged not to make any exceptions for itself and to follow the same strict privacy practices as others, when there are no more third-part…

Google Collects User Data even Geolocation is Disabled

Business Insider, referring to the materials of the trial, Google employees admitted that they deliberately complicated the privacy settings for smar…

WordPress will Automatically Block Google's FLoC Technology

The WordPress team will treat Google's new FLoC tracking technology as a security threat and block it by default on sites. For some time now, bro…

Personal Data of More than half a Billion FaceBook Users Leaked Online

The personal data of more than 533 million users of the social network Facebook were posted on the hacker forum.  According to him, the information o…