3 Ways Tech Can help You Get Into Med School

Here are best tips that Tech can help you in Preparation of Med School 2019
If you're an aspiring medical student, you've probably wondered about ways of making the process of applying to medical school easier. With numerous course requirements and completion of the MCAT being necessary to gain admission for medical study, chances are good that any extra advice or training that you can receive before sending in your application can truly make a difference in the impact of your application on an admissions committee. Fortunately, technology is now making it easier to prepare for medical studies, and here are just a few ways that tech can help you achieve your med school goals.

1. Web Forums
One of the best ways to prepare a medical school application is simply by seeing how other top-notch applicants are going about creating their applications. The "Student Doctor Network" is a website and set of forums that is an exceptional place to read about the process of applying to medical school, and posters on the site's forums provide helpful realistic advice regarding application requirements to various schools. For these reasons alone, the SDN should be the first stop on any applicant's journey towards a medical education.

With its huge list of sub-forums on any medical school topic, you can think of, the site Reddit.com  should also be at the top of anyone's list for browsing about med school application advice. "Subreddits" (the site's term for forums) such as reddit.com/r/premed and reddit.com/r/Mcat offer support and sympathy for those who've taken it upon themselves to achieve the goal of becoming a doctor, and with its user base of top-tier medical students and med school graduates, the website can provide great resources and a realistic outlook on the application process to aspiring doctors.

2. Online Classes
Another great way to prepare for admission to medical school is by taking an online MCAT prep class to achieve a dream score on the MCAT. Many MCAT prep courses are taught by medical school graduates who aced the MCAT themselves, and tutors can often provide personalized advice on applications and study methods. Since everyone has a different approach to studying, such advice can be a welcome form of reassurance to those who have difficulty synthesizing the intimidating amount of knowledge that goes into the achievement of a first-rate MCAT score. In addition to completing an online MCAT prep course, remember that scheduling your MCAT test well in advance of test day can also help you create a realistic timeframe for studying.

3. YouTube Videos
As a resource for medical school applicants, YouTube can provide hours of interaction with current medical students or doctors, many of whom will often take to their user accounts to give advice on studying for the MCAT or post videos that describe what medical school is really like. If you really want to know about the ups and downs of a medical education, YouTube might just provide you with everything you wanted to know about becoming a doctor but were afraid to ask, as the old saying goes.

So, if you're applying for admission to medical school in the near future and want to be sure that your application will stand out from the pack, remember that technology can be one of your greatest resources in gaining admission to a competitive program. Whether you're taking an online class to hone your MCAT skills or simply browsing a discussion forum to get tips from current medical students, technology may just be your greatest ally in your journey towards becoming a doctor. For many aspiring medical professionals, that is good news indeed!
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