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Malaysia Airlines site hacked by Lizard Squad

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A hackers group "Lizard Squad" who had took Play Station and Xbox live server offline on Christmas have once again doing the cyber attacks. This time there target were different and attacks was also.  This time hackers group have targeted Malaysia Airline's website have defaced it.

Hackers have defaced the index page of the site with a message says ‘404 – Plane Not Found’, and also with the lizard picture, text written 'Hacked by Lizard Squad - Official Cyber Caliphate' .

It was not clear how hackers have managed to hack the Malaysia Airlines website.  Additionally hackers have also claimed that they have gained access to some confidential company data.

But company have assured that non of the customer data was stolen or leaked on this hack. At the mean time site is working fine and now users can book flights tickets from this link.  
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