Google and Dropbox launch 'Simply Secure' to improve online security

Google & Dropbox announce 'Simply Secure' project, More news for Dropbox and Google create Simply Secure, Google and Dropbox launch Simply Secure, New Initiative Simply Secure Aims to Make Security Tools, Dropbox, Google, Open Technology Fund, Security
Google & Dropbox announce 'Simply Secure' project, More news for Dropbox and Google create Simply Secure, Google and Dropbox launch Simply Secure, New Initiative Simply Secure Aims to Make Security Tools, Dropbox, Google, Open Technology Fund, Security
Search engine giants Google along with Cloud storage Dropbox and the Open Technology Fund working together on a new organization that will develop a open source security tool 'Simply Secure' which will be users friendly. This initiative to raise the adoption rates, that many of the consumers didn't use the currently available security tools because of its complexity.

Companies mention that there are many security tools already available to users, and they are technically effective also. But due to its complexity and inconvenience many of the users didn't use it.
As like features of Two-factor authentication, it is very much effective for the security purpose but due to some of its complex features users didn't adopt it.

So to solve this issue, organisation will work with the Open Source community to develop simple and easy-to-use tool. Their aim is to make such tool that people without having much technical knowledge can choose and use it.

On this initiative Google says-
“Excited for a future where people won’t have to choose between ease and security, and where tools that allow people to secure their communications, content, and online activity are as easy as choosing to use them.”
“We believe that security shouldn't come at the expense of simplicity or design, and you shouldn't have to be a tech expert to stay protected online,”

 This will be another great initiative by Google for the users security along shaking hands with Dropbox. If Simply Secure success in achieving the target then, this will create another competitiors for the firm who is already dealing on these security products.
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