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Windows 8.1 users won't receive any more patches unless spring update is installed

Microsoft Windows 8.1 Tuesday patch updates, Microsoft release Tuesday patch, Microsoft fixed the vulnerability on Internet Explorer 11, Windows Tuesday patch June, Fix the vulnerability on Windows 8.1, Security concerns of Windows 8.1
Microsoft uodates, Microsoft  tuesday, Microsoft  security updates, Microsoft  patch
Yesterday, Microsoft have released its another Tuesday patch for the critical vulnerabilities on Internet Explorer 11. As Microsoft have earlier announced that company will release it security updates for its products on Tuesday (Yesterday), and yesterday company have released number of patches that effecting Internet Explorer 11 and Windows.

Security updates contains that patch of Remote Code Execution in Internet Explorer 11-windows 8.1, Office, an information disclosure bugs in Windows, information disclosure bugs in Lync Server, a Denial of Service (DoS) bug in all Windows versions since Vista, and a "tampering" vulnerability in Windows including Windows 7, 8.x and Server 2012.

But here there is something for Windows 8.1 users. Windows 8.1 users who have yet to install the
Microsoft uodates, Microsoft  tuesday, Microsoft  security updates, Microsoft  patch
Windows 8.1 Update released this spring won’t be able to download yesterday's Patch Tuesday updates—or anyfuture Patch Tuesday updates—until they get around to upgrading their operating system.

Other Windows version users (Windows vista, 7, 8) will  continue receiving patches normally. Windows 8.1 users won't automatic download the Tuesday's patches via Windows Update. Furthermore, if you've altered your system settings to manually select which patches to install, you won’t even see recent Tuesday's patches in Windows Update.

So if you are looking for the updates your Windows 8.1 then first download the earlier patch release, until and unless you won't update your system. The patch released on Tuesday was critical and you should patch it, to keep security upto date. 

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