Facebook offers free anti-malware software to Infected Users

Facebook offers free anti-malware software to Infected Users, antivirus from facebook, facebook infected users, facebook infection, facebook scam, facebook login, download , malware cleaning, removing virus from your system, remove malware from computer
Sometime while login to your Facebook account you will get the security notification about your system, that Your system may be infected with one of the virus or malware. So for this now Facebook will help you to clean your system via providing a anti-malware application download link. On Tuesday Facebook have announced that it had added a free download of Anti-malware software to its abuse detection and prevention systems for users with infected devices.

On the notes Facebook have recommend the two anti-malware software, one is F-Secure and other is Trend Micro. Facebook explains that
"a single product isn't sufficient to defend against all modern security threats, the general recommendation persists because the technology remains effective in blocking categories of known threats and cleaning up malware infections if they find their way onto your computer".

How it Works ?

 When the Facebook system detect the device interacting with the facebook is behaving suspicious than users will get the notification. If you click Download, the app will install itself and run. You’ll receive the results of the scan as a notification in Facebook. When it’s finished, the software will uninstall itself.
  • When logging in from the infected device, you'll see a notification screen about a malware infection, along with a recommendation to use F-Secure's malware scanning and cleanup technology or HouseCall from Trend Micro. Each product contains distinct malware signatures and is suited to different kinds of threats, so we recommend trying the suggested product even if you already have an anti-virus or similar program running on your machine. You won't have to worry about maintenance; these versions are up-to-date and will remove themselves once they're done running.
  • You can choose to skip the malware removal process and decline to download the recommended scanner. If you skip removing the malware, you may be prompted again later.
  • You'll download and run the scanner, during which time you can continue to use Facebook and other services. When the scan is complete, you'll receive a notification through Facebook and you'll be able to review the results of the scan.
Facebook say that it will provide additional software options in the future also. 
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