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Melbourne IT Server hacked By Syrian Electronic Army: Affects Twitter, NY times, Huffington Post

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Melbourne IT Server hacked By Syrian Electronic Army: Affects Twitter, NY times, Huffington Post, hacked by Syrian Electronic Army, Melbourne IT server hacked, Syrian Electronic Army, twitter hacked by Syrian Electronic Army, hacked by SEASyrian Electronic Army once again hit with the big attack over the major organisation domain. This time they have breached the security of the Melbourne IT server. Melbourne IT server is the  organisation, that provides the domain name for the high profiled websites. Security breaches of the Melbourne system allowed the attackers to change the DNS and other details of the various major sites. Which includes,,,, and other domains of the twitter
 This hacks also effects the others sites too. Where The New york Times was also not available and Huffington Post UK was also affected.
Melbourne IT Server hacked By Syrian Electronic Army: Affects Twitter, NY times, Huffington Post, hacked by Syrian Electronic Army, Melbourne IT server hacked, Syrian Electronic Army, twitter hacked by Syrian Electronic Army, hacked by SEA

Syrian Electronic Army claimed that they have hacked the Melbourne system on there twitter announcement. Firstly they claimed they have owned the Twitter domain on the post. After some time they made one more post claiming to media network getting down.

MatthewKeysLive, Internet Journalist from the Melbourne IT team, accepted that there system was hacked the hacker. Hackers use the login details (username and password)  of the Melbourne IT reseller, which allow the hackers to do the above change on the DNS and other details. 
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