Godzilla Hacked Pakistan Army’s Website and Facebook Pages

Godzilla Hacked Pakistan Army’s Website and Facebook Pages, Pakistan Army’s Website and Facebook Pages, hacked by Godzilla, hacked by Indian hackers, pakistan army official site hacked
Couple of days before I have posted that a Indian Hacker code name "Godzilla" have breached the Pakistan Government server and number of sites. Once again Godzilla have breached the security of Pakistan Army Official Site (pakistanarmy.gov.pk) and put a message with a image giving warning to the Pakistan Army. Along with the Pakistan Army's website, hackers have managed to hack three official Facebook fanpage.

As per the EHN reports, hackers planted a PDF exploit on the website which allowed him to install a piece of malware on the administrator’s computer, which leads to hack the Facebook Fanpage.

After the hack all the fanpage have been removed, but at the mean time all three facebook fanpage have been recovered.

Hackers left a statement after the hack
“Now no more deals, if you can fire then we can bombard You are punished for breaking ceasefire we are coming for you,”
Hacker had made a pastebin post regarding the hack and the message to the Pakistan Army.
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1 comment
  1. Unknown
    Thanks to Godzilla....
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