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Microsoft Fined 561 euros for browser choice

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Worlds leading Software Production company "Microsoft" was penalised about €561million [approx 4,000 crore]. Microsoft was fined for breaking a pledge to offer PC users a choice of internet browsers when they install the Windows operating system. As in Windows 7 service pack 1, internet can access only through Internet Explorer. It didn't supports other browser.
After this Microsoft promise to give the alternate for using the internet other then Internet Explorer but they failed. That was a mistake,says Microsoft.
Europe Union says that as per there report from May 2011 to July 2012 approx 1.5 crore users have effected by this problem. As per the EU Microsoft have violate the rule is a very serious infringement that must be sanctioned accordingly.
EU union says that this is small amount that has been charged on the Microsoft, as this a warning to other firms also.  Including Google there are many other company that are on the target of the Europe union.
Earlier also Union have charged Microsoft on year 2004 and 2008 for violating the regulation of the market. 
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