Changes in Privacy Setting of Facebook
The world's largest social networking site Facebook have taken some steps to its privacy settings for effective and easy to use.
This new feature will help users more privacy with your posts and photos and also it is very easy to use also. With this new feature user can make more secure privacy setting with their Personal information and photos. By this user can determine to who can see their photos and posts and whom it will not see their posts or photos. In additional, It will be extremely difficult to search your self by the unknown person. As by this change Facebook have made more piracy impact on their privacy setting of the user. Which will be in the News feed section at the right side of the the site with the small "Lock" symbol. With the help of this user can ask some easy and relevant question, such as Who can see me or my Post?, How to those search?.
Additionally, from the next month Facebook also plan to make privacy education page. So that users can manage their online identity in a better manner. Apart from this, there is one more photos reviewing feature, which is quick option to change the photos. Significantly, there is always question arise on the privacy of the photo post time to time.
For more info on Privacy Setting Read Here
And to edit privacy setting of your time line Read here