Continuously increasing in the user of starts phones, all companies are trying their level best to make good number of shares on the market.
We can say that "War of smart Phones" as been accounced from this month only. Lets know who is on this race and what they are introducing in the market to make better position then their competitors.
1) Motorola / Verizon
Motorola / Verizon have more exception from this Andrio phone. As Google Andriod phones are most popular on the market now a days. In all over the world about this technology. As news are there that there will be a Edge-to-Edge display and the phone will also support 4g technology network also.
2) Amazon
By the accouncement of the new tablet and E-reader by the Amazon, the competetion on the market is getting tuff and interesting.

this new device works on Quad core processor. Its also have one front facing camera. More attractive feature is that this device can work 8week after a charging which is very much eco friendly.
3) Motorola

As news is there that Motorola is launching its new smart phone with the core of intel processor and this will be announced soon in London. There is no much information about this phone. As this will give the tuff competition to the competor of the market.
4) HTC
HTC is the awesome smart player of the smart phones aand all consumer are fans of this. HTC is launching its first window phone on 19 september on the market. As compare to other company HTC also did not disclose much information about this.