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Install TCP-IP ver.6 protocol

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Hi Guys Today we will Discus on the tropic of TCP and IP related to the Internet.
As I already discus about the Internet on my previous post, so here I have came with advance in this feild.
This post is written By Information Security Expert Jitendra Kumar Patel

How to install TCP-IP ver. 6 protocol in Windows XP.?

When we view list of components for network interfaces for windows we see many options such uninstall, but it is not present for TCP/IP since TCP/IP is mandatory and core component of windows box.

Today in this tutorial we are going to install TCP/IP version6 on windows Machine
To enable support for IPv6 networking.

Steps :

1. Open control Panel and select Network Connections..
Click here to Inlarge the Image

2.Select the required adapter and open its properties.

3.Click on Install .
Click here to Inlagre the Image

4.Select Protocol.

5.Select Microsoft TCP/IP version 6 and click on OK.

6.After clicking OK it will start installing the required services on the Machine.

Thats it and your Done the Installation.

Post Written By Jitendra Kumar Patel

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