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YouTube Rolls Out Dozens of New Features to Enhance Viewing Experience

YouTube rolls out many new features and design updates to enhance viewing experience based on user feedback.

New Features in YouTube
YouTube has some awesome updates in store to make watching videos on the platform even more awesome! 

Over the next few weeks, YouTube will be rolling out dozens of new features and design changes aimed at providing viewers with greater controls, easier discovery, and a more modern and engaging interface.

First off, you'll have way more control over your viewing experience. To help prevent ear-splitting volume changes, YouTube is introducing "stable volume" on mobile to smoothly maintain a consistent audio level as you watch. You'll also be able to easily speed up playback to 2x by double tapping anywhere on the player in full screen or portrait mode. 

Seeking those perfect moments will get easier too with bigger thumbnail previews as you slide through the video timeline. And you can avoid accidental pauses or interruptions with a new lock screen for mobile and tablets.

Revamp of Library and Account Page
Revamp of Library and Account Page

Finding all your favorite YouTube stuff is getting way easier too. YouTube is combining your Library and account pages into one handy new "You" tab where you can access your watch history, playlists, downloads, purchases, and account settings all in one place. 

Even cooler, you'll soon be able to search for songs by humming, singing, or whistling the tune, with AI matching your input to identify the track - how awesome is that?

Visually, the YouTube experience is getting some modern upgrades as well. New subtle animations will add a bit of fun around key moments like liking, subscribing, and commenting on videos

Now, when creators ask viewers to “like” or “subscribe,” a visual cue on those buttons will appear in sync with the video. And once fans smash that button, a subtle explosion of playful sparkles will reward them. 

Top comments automatically rotate so creators can scan the best commentary from the community. And, for new video uploads, YouTube has added a new animation that updates view count and like count in real time for the first 24 hours to show how many other users are engaging with what they’re watching.

The mobile and web interfaces are also getting revamped with easier access to video descriptions, chapters, and other key details.

According to YouTube, all these updates were inspired directly by feedback from viewers like you and creators. It just goes to show that YouTube is committed to constantly improving and leveling up the viewing experience. So get ready for an even more awesome YouTube!

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