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Mozilla Announced Firefox Lockbox for Android Platform

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Online security is one of the main concerns for peoples privacy, and in that using the same password across different online accounts is not a good idea. But it is hard for users to remember too many passwords and those too strong and lengthy ones.

We know that there are many Password managers available to keep our credentials secure with a single master password for the manager's vaults. So now here is another password manager from Mozilla, named Firefox Lockbox. This is specially announced for the Android platform to make remembering passwords easier. 

Initially, Firefox Lockbox had been released back in summer of last year for iOS devices, which have been downloaded by 500,000 users with the respectable 4.1 ratings. Today, Mozilla announced the application for Android users.

Firefox Lockbox has strong integration and synchronization capabilities with the company’s own browser, Mozilla Firefox. All the passwords that you have saved on the Firefox browsers on different devices can be found in one place with the easy user's access.

Mozilla team have also demonstrated the working for the Firefox Lockbox in the short video, which shows how easy to get your saved credentials.

With this, we have seen that Firefox Lockbox can't be much usable and helpful for users. As it only syncs with a Firefox Account, meaning that you can’t add your own entries. If you are Firefox browser users then only its seems great.

Now regarding the security concerns, Firefox Lockbox uses secure authentication as it supports both fingerprints and Face authentication. Like most of the password managers, it also lets you automatically fill in saved passwords. You can download Firefox Lockbox directly from PlayStore.
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