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#OpKKK: Anonymous seizes Ku Klux Klan Twitter account

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Two days back Anonymous group had called to all its collective members to strike down hard on KKK groups through #OpKKK and #HoodOff campaigns. In the response to the announced campaign Anonymous hackers have seized the two Twitter accounts belonging to the American racial segregation org Ku Klux Klan, @KuKluxKlanUSA, and @YourKKKCentral.

Initially, the Anonymous group tweeted that they have attacked the website belonging to "Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan" and took it completely offline. Apart from this Anonymous has also hacked the email accounts of the KKK members.
In the meantime, Twitter account @KuKluxKlanUSA is under the control of the Anonymous group after a week of mutual threats sparked by the KKK's announcement to use "lethal force" against Ferguson protesters.

On Friday, Anonymous Australia released a video announcing a campaign of cyberwar against the racist organization.

The #OpKKK hashtag is beginning to move quickly on Twitter, and in it, there appears to be little sympathy for the KKK.
According to the New York Times, protesters are already preparing for the decision.

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