Watch deleted Videos on Facebook

Watched deleted videos of facebook, see deleted videos of social network, get back the delected videos, watch delete videos

After the launched of the new apps on Facebook which deletes the message or videos after 10 seconds, there is a new things have been discovered over the social media. As per the news of one of the technology website name as "Buzz feed" says that after the delete of the videos on social site Facebook, which have been send from the apps called "Snap chat" can be seen again with the help of file browser. As per "Buzz feed" this technique also works on Facebook.
Snap chat is a smart phone application, which delete the message or videos after some seconds [ may be 10 sec].
One of the site reporter discovered that deleted videos can be viewed again and can also save it. If videos can't be seen in Iphone then user can see by connecting it to PC and save it also. With the help of a small file browsing program users have to see in its internal memory. If user didn't find the videos then, videos will get saved in the "temp" folder of the "Snap chat" and in "Media card"  folder of Facebook.
Download Snap chat HERE or HERE
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1 comment
  1. Anonymous
    Thanks for share bro, Now we can see our old video again :)
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