Same as one state name as "Jharkhand" have taken the initiative to stop cyber crime. Recently, BSNL of Jharkhand have decide to make a data center in Ranchi and an Anti-Cyber Crime Organisation also to be formed. For the people of Jharkhand, there is a helpline number [1800-345653] allotted for the public for any cyber crime issues.. as like Bank fraud, ATM fraud, Bank account hacking, etc..
The chief technical officer of Cyber Defense Research Center , Mr. Vineet have said that, "this will help the people against cyber crime activities. As there are regularly 4-5 cases of cyber crime on daily basis. On this help line number [1800-3456533] people can logged a complain against cyber crime. Some of the officers are getting trained for the tele process of the number.
Jharkhand special branch IG say's that soon there will be a cyber lab to solve the cyber crime. For this Data Security Council and NAASCOM is also ready to support them.
Honey net to trap hackers

Source :- Inext