Diwali fireworks Effects for Blogger
As Diwali is near and all of the Blog master wants to wish their fans and their website visitor for a Happy Diwali. So, Today I will tell you How to add Diwali Fireworks Effects on your blogger .
If you want the To ADD the Moving text for wishing your fans and Visitor.
- Just Follow these steps:-
- Login to you blogger account.
- Goto Template and edit template.
- Now find <HEAD> tag and paste the below code just after <HEAD> tag.
<script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ var bits=80; // how many bits var speed=33; // how fast - smaller is faster var bangs=5; // how many can be launched simultaneously (note that using too many can slow the script down) var colours=new Array("#03f", "#f03", "#0e0", "#93f", "#0cf", "#f93", "#f0c"); // blue red green purple cyan orange pink /**************************** * Fireworks Effect * *(c)2013 Cyber Kendra* * http://www.Cyberkendra.com * * DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS BOX * ****************************/ var bangheight=new Array(); var intensity=new Array(); var colour=new Array(); var Xpos=new Array(); var Ypos=new Array(); var dX=new Array(); var dY=new Array(); var stars=new Array(); var decay=new Array(); var swide=800; var shigh=600; var boddie; window.onload=function() { if (document.getElementById) { var i; boddie=document.createElement("div"); boddie.style.position="fixed"; boddie.style.top="0px"; boddie.style.left="0px"; boddie.style.overflow="visible"; boddie.style.width="1px"; boddie.style.height="1px"; boddie.style.backgroundColor="transparent"; document.body.appendChild(boddie); set_width(); for (i=0; i<bangs; i++) { write_fire(i); launch(i); setInterval('stepthrough('+i+')', speed); } }} function write_fire(N) { var i, rlef, rdow; stars[N+'r']=createDiv('|', 12); boddie.appendChild(stars[N+'r']); for (i=bits*N; i<bits+bits*N; i++) { stars[i]=createDiv('*', 13); boddie.appendChild(stars[i]); } } function createDiv(char, size) { var div=document.createElement("div"); div.style.font=size+"px monospace"; div.style.position="absolute"; div.style.backgroundColor="transparent"; div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(char)); return (div); } function launch(N) { colour[N]=Math.floor(Math.random()*colours.length); Xpos[N+"r"]=swide*0.5; Ypos[N+"r"]=shigh-5; bangheight[N]=Math.round((0.5+Math.random())*shigh*0.4); dX[N+"r"]=(Math.random()-0.5)*swide/bangheight[N]; if (dX[N+"r"]>1.25) stars[N+"r"].firstChild.nodeValue="/"; else if (dX[N+"r"]<-1.25) stars[N+"r"].firstChild.nodeValue="\\"; else stars[N+"r"].firstChild.nodeValue="|"; stars[N+"r"].style.color=colours[colour[N]]; } function bang(N) { var i, Z, A=0; for (i=bits*N; i<bits+bits*N; i++) { Z=stars[i].style; Z.left=Xpos[i]+"px"; Z.top=Ypos[i]+"px"; if (decay[i]) decay[i]--; else A++; if (decay[i]==15) Z.fontSize="7px"; else if (decay[i]==7) Z.fontSize="2px"; else if (decay[i]==1) Z.visibility="hidden"; Xpos[i]+=dX[i]; Ypos[i]+=(dY[i]+=1.25/intensity[N]); } if (A!=bits) setTimeout("bang("+N+")", speed); } function stepthrough(N) { var i, M, Z; var oldx=Xpos[N+"r"]; var oldy=Ypos[N+"r"]; Xpos[N+"r"]+=dX[N+"r"]; Ypos[N+"r"]-=4; if (Ypos[N+"r"]<bangheight[N]) { M=Math.floor(Math.random()*3*colours.length); intensity[N]=5+Math.random()*4; for (i=N*bits; i<bits+bits*N; i++) { Xpos[i]=Xpos[N+"r"]; Ypos[i]=Ypos[N+"r"]; dY[i]=(Math.random()-0.5)*intensity[N]; dX[i]=(Math.random()-0.5)*(intensity[N]-Math.abs(dY[i]))*1.25; decay[i]=16+Math.floor(Math.random()*16); Z=stars[i]; if (M<colours.length) Z.style.color=colours[i%2?colour[N]:M]; else if (M<2*colours.length) Z.style.color=colours[colour[N]]; else Z.style.color=colours[i%colours.length]; Z.style.fontSize="13px"; Z.style.visibility="visible"; } bang(N); launch(N); } stars[N+"r"].style.left=oldx+"px"; stars[N+"r"].style.top=oldy+"px"; } window.onresize=set_width; function set_width() { var sw_min=999999; var sh_min=999999; if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) { if (document.documentElement.clientWidth>0) sw_min=document.documentElement.clientWidth; if (document.documentElement.clientHeight>0) sh_min=document.documentElement.clientHeight; } if (typeof(self.innerWidth)!="undefined" && self.innerWidth) { if (self.innerWidth>0 && self.innerWidth<sw_min) sw_min=self.innerWidth; if (self.innerHeight>0 && self.innerHeight<sh_min) sh_min=self.innerHeight; } if (document.body.clientWidth) { if (document.body.clientWidth>0 && document.body.clientWidth<sw_min) sw_min=document.body.clientWidth; if (document.body.clientHeight>0 && document.body.clientHeight<sh_min) sh_min=document.body.clientHeight; } if (sw_min==999999 || sh_min==999999) { sw_min=800; sh_min=600; } swide=sw_min; shigh=sh_min; } // ]]> </script>
- Note:- The Above code does not work in <HEAD> tag then paste it Under the <BODY> tag.
If you want the To ADD the Moving text for wishing your fans and Visitor.
- Login to Blogger Dash board.
- Goto Layout, click on Add widget.
- Select HTML/ Java Scripts.
- Copy and paste the below code.
- <h1><marquee><font color="DC143C" size="5">♥HD wall Cover Wishes all fans and visitors a Happy and a prosperous DIWALI♥ </font></marquee></h1>
- Replace size="5" with your font size needs.
- Replace <marquee> and </marquee> if you Don't want a moving text.
- The Above code is provided by Webprotal. please do not copy it.
- If you like it then please share it and comment below.