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Apache Log4j Vulnerability Details and Mitigation

Yesterday, we had reported the critical zero-day vulnerability in Apache log4j, where the attacker can easily exploit the bug with a single line of p…

Worst Apache Log4j RCE Zero day Dropped on Internet

Second Log4Shell vulnerability has been discovered so we recommend everyone to once again update the Log4j package to the latest Log4j 2.16 (at the…

Apache HTTP Servers are at Risk of Hacker Attacks

Specialists from the German Federal Office for Information Security and Cisco have warned of cyberattacks in which criminals exploit a vulnerability …

Apache HTTP Zero-day CVE-2021-41773 fix Bypassed With CVE-2021-42013

A couple of days back we have reported a  Path Traversal Vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-41773) in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.49 , which was exploited in wild…

Apache web servers Flaw allows Hacker Access Root Files

A flaw was found in a change made to path normalization in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.49. An attacker could use a path traversal attack to map URLs to ac…

Flaw in Apache Airflow Servers Leaked Thousands of Credentials

Experts from information security company Intezer discovered incorrect configuration settings in the popular open-source workflow management platform…

Secure Your Apache Struts with Selinux

Recently we have seen there are critical security bug that have been disclosed in Apache Struts.  Moreover, another worst data breach has been to…

Apache Patched Five security Vulnerabilities